Fun Fact!
Did you know two of my interviewees actually have a shared history?
In my latest interview with Furuta Wataru, I ask him about his short movie Confession which won the Special Jury Prize at the 2008 “Picture Battle x Show Biz Japan” competition held at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, and was praised by jury foreman Izutsu Kazuyuki. The Grand Prize winner, the “survivor” by “process of elimination” according to Izutsu, was The Errand directed by Shiozaki Shohei. Yes, the 100 Meter Films director whose interview I published very early on.
I’ve known both men for a while, but it was only through researching their histories separately that I discovered they had been at the same competition, and were both award-winners praised by Izutsu. I intentionally edited out mention of the Picture Battle x Show Biz Japan competition from Shiozaki’s interview at publication knowing I could use this bit of trivia as a way to re-promote their respective interviews. However, a part of me thinks leaving it up to you readers to notice might have also been a fun idea.