All posts tagged: Interview

Furuta Wataru Interview Now Available


The first interview published in 2018 is with Furuta Wataru, an award-winning producer and director who I have known for many years. It was the desire to reintroduce to the world to filmmakers like Furuta which motivated me to begin Indievisual, therefore I am especially pleased to shine a light back on this successful producer and director who was just slightly ahead of the times.

Ogata Takaomi Interview now live.


Ogata-san is a filmmaker who intentionally makes movies which are not easy to watch, and therefore not tremendous box-office draws. This makes him by definition an independent director. Find out more about Ogata Takaomi in my interview.

The Adventuress Spirit


The latest interview with Nishikawa Fumie is online. This interview features a main image shot on an iPhone 7 using Moment lenses. In all likelihood, this will become a permanent practice going forward.