Alicia Vikander on Learning Japanese 2019-11-19 by Ben Dimagmaliw Blog Actress Alicia Vikander talks about her experience learning to speak Japanese dialogue for the film Earthquake Bird for Netflix
Filmmaker Mode 2019-09-02 by Ben Dimagmaliw Blog A new initiative has been launched to help the average consumer watch cinematic content as it was intended by the filmmakers. Read how.
Kon Satoshi – In Memoriam 2019-08-29 by Ben Dimagmaliw Blog The 9th anniversary of Kon Satoshi's passing was on August 24th. Read my hastily cobbled tribute to one of Japan's premiere filmmakers.
Chadwick Boseman to play Yasuke 2019-05-08 by Ben Dimagmaliw Blog The Black Panther star to play history's only known samurai of African descent.
Plan75 Feature in the Works 2019-04-30 by Ben Dimagmaliw Blog Director Hayakawa Chie is developing "Plan75" into a feature.