All posts tagged: Offscreen

State of the Newsletter


Before the end of 2017 I stated I was hoping to implement email newsletters on the Indievisual site. It's the second half of 2018 and I thought this would be good time to reveal what has been going on and what will happen with the newsletter.

Enlightened Era of Tech


Offscreen publisher Kai Brach shares his editorial from the latest issue of his magazine which I link to for its compelling message regarding the responsibility of not only the creators of technology, but those of us who use it, to reconnect with human values.

Celebrating Number 15


Before posting the second part of my series on how the Indievisual interviews are created, I wanted to briefly acknowledge Kai Brach’s Offscreen magazine reaching its 15th issue. I’ll be writing about Offscreen and Kai as they relate to Indievisual in a future post, but I believe it’s important to commemorate an independent–a one-man (with some contributors)–publication being able to release a quality product consistently over the course of fifteen issues. What began as a […]