All posts tagged: Print

Celebrating Number 15


Before posting the second part of my series on how the Indievisual interviews are created, I wanted to briefly acknowledge Kai Brach’s Offscreen magazine reaching its 15th issue. I’ll be writing about Offscreen and Kai as they relate to Indievisual in a future post, but I believe it’s important to commemorate an independent–a one-man (with some contributors)–publication being able to release a quality product consistently over the course of fifteen issues. What began as a […]

Why Not Print

Print or App

The question seems obvious. If the intention is to create a magazine, then why not a print magazine? Why a digital magazine? As much as I would admittedly like to publish a print magazine–my graphic design background almost screams for it–there are two reasons for choosing digital: practicality and economics. Digital publishing involves primarily writing text then allowing the platform to set the text, photos, etc. into the a pre-determined layout. In the case of […]